Ear cleaning with OtoSet®

The first automated and FDA-cleared ear cleaning device. Irrigation and micro-suction technology combine to automatically break down and remove earwax buildup.

Irrigation & Micro-suction Technology

OtoSet® simultaneously combines patented irrigation and micro-suction technology to break down and remove earwax

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Comfortable Single-Use Ear Tips

OtoSet® features disposable ear tips that direct water towards the walls of the ear canal with a suction port to collect waste

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Automated Process and Safe Pressures

OtoSet® keeps consistent irrigation and micro-suction pressures, and cleaning cycles run automatically with a push of the button

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No Mess and Easy to Clean After Use

OtoSet® also offers clinics a quick clean up as earwax and water is captured by micro-suction into disposable waste containers

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OtoSet® Ear Cleaning System

Pre-treatment drops to soften earwax in clinic waiting room or at home

Quick, safe, and mess-free procedure with the FDA-cleared OtoSet®

Post-treatment drops to remove any water remaining in ear canals

Move on with your day having clean and refreshed feeling ears

Hear from clinicians treating thousands with OtoSet®